How-to: use the `asaplib` library ================================== Example on quick analyisis of atomic coordinates using a SOAP based metric ************************************************************************** .. code:: ipython3 import numpy as np %matplotlib inline import asaplib load structures --------------- .. code:: ipython3 from import ASAPXYZ asapxyz = ASAPXYZ('P-20GPa/result-complete/') # load the tags (optional, you can use these to annotate the structures) tags = np.loadtxt("P-20GPa/result-complete/ranking-complete", dtype="str") # import some reference order parameter for the structures enthalpy = np.array(tags[:,3],float) compute SOAP descriptors ------------------------ .. code:: ipython3 # specify the parameters soap_spec = {'soap1': {'type': 'SOAP', 'cutoff': 4.0, 'n': 6, 'l': 6, 'atom_gaussian_width': 0.5, 'crossover': False, 'rbf': 'gto' } } reducer_spec = {'reducer1': { 'reducer_type': 'average', # [average], [sum], [moment_average], [moment_sum] 'element_wise': False} } desc_spec = {'avgsoap': { 'atomic_descriptor': soap_spec, 'reducer_function': reducer_spec} } .. code:: ipython3 # compute asapxyz.compute_global_descriptors(desc_spec_dict=desc_spec, sbs=[], keep_atomic=False, tag='tio2', n_process=4) Build a kernel Matrix --------------------- .. code:: ipython3 reduce_dict = {} reduce_dict['kpca'] = {"type": 'SPARSE_KPCA', 'parameter':{"n_components": 10, "n_sparse": -1, # no sparsification "kernel": {"first_kernel": {"type": 'linear'}}}} kernal PCA on environmental similarity -------------------------------------- .. code:: ipython3 from asaplib.reducedim import Dimension_Reducers dreducer = Dimension_Reducers(reduce_dict) .. code:: ipython3 dm = asapxyz.fetch_computed_descriptors(['avgsoap']) .. code:: ipython3 proj = dreducer.fit_transform(dm) Plot the result --------------- .. code:: ipython3 from asaplib.plot import Plotters .. code:: ipython3 fig_spec = { 'outfile': None, 'show': False, 'title': None, 'size': [8*1.1, 8], 'cmap': 'gnuplot', 'components':{ 'first_p': {'type': 'scatter', 'clabel': 'Relative enthalpy per TiO$_2$ [Kcal/mol]', 'vmin':None, 'vmax': None} #'second_p': {"type": 'annotate', 'adtext': False} # for annotation } } asap_plot = Plotters(fig_spec) plotcolor = enthalpy[:] asap_plot.plot(proj[:, [1,0]], plotcolor) # one can use asap_plot.plot(proj[:, [1,0]], plotcolor, tags) to annotate the structures using the tags .. parsed-literal:: Using scatter plot ... .. image:: TiO2-ASAP-KPCA.png