Methods and functions to compute atomic desciptors
import json
import numpy as np
from ..io import NpEncoder
[docs]class Atomic_Descriptors:
def __init__(self, desc_spec_dict={}):
Object handing the specification and the computation of atomic descriptors
desc_spec_dict: dictionaries that specify which atomic descriptor to use
desc_spec_dict = {
{"type": 'SOAP',"species": [1, 6, 7, 8], "cutoff": 2.0, "atom_gaussian_width": 0.2, "n": 4, "l": 4}
self.desc_spec_dict = desc_spec_dict
# list of Atomic_Descriptor objections
self.engines = {}
self.acronym = ""
[docs] def add(self, desc_spec, tag):
adding the specifications of a new atomic descriptors
desc_spec: a dictionary that specify which atomic descriptor to use
self.desc_spec_dict[tag] = desc_spec
[docs] def pack(self):
return json.dumps(self.desc_spec_dict, sort_keys=True, cls=NpEncoder)
[docs] def get_acronym(self):
if self.acronym == "":
for element in self.desc_spec_dict.keys():
self.acronym += self.engines[element].get_acronym()
return self.acronym
[docs] def bind(self):
binds the objects that actually compute the descriptors
these objects need to have .create(frame) method to compute the descriptors of frame (a xyz object)
# clear up the objects
self.engines = {}
for element in self.desc_spec_dict.keys():
self.engines[element] = self._call(self.desc_spec_dict[element])
self.desc_spec_dict[element]['acronym'] = self.engines[element].get_acronym()
def _call(self, desc_spec):
call the specific descriptor objects
if "type" not in desc_spec.keys():
raise ValueError("Did not specify the type of the descriptor.")
if desc_spec["type"] == "SOAP":
return Atomic_Descriptor_SOAP(desc_spec)
if desc_spec["type"] == "ACSF":
return Atomic_Descriptor_ACSF(desc_spec)
if desc_spec["type"] == "LMBTR_K2":
return Atomic_Descriptor_LMBTR_K2(desc_spec)
if desc_spec["type"] == "LMBTR_K3":
return Atomic_Descriptor_LMBTR_K3(desc_spec)
if desc_spec["type"] == "FCHL19":
return Atomic_Descriptor_FCHL19(desc_spec)
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def compute(self, frame):
compute the global descriptor vector for a frame from atomic contributions
frame: ASE atom object. Coordinates of a frame.
atomic_desc_dict : a dictionary. each entry contains the essential info of the descriptor (acronym)
and a np.array [N_desc*N_atoms]. Atomic descriptors for a frame.
e.g. {'ad1':{'acronym':'soap-1', 'atomic_descriptors': `a np.array [N_desc*N_atoms]`}}
atomic_desc_dict = {}
for element in self.desc_spec_dict.keys():
atomic_desc_dict[element] = {}
atomic_desc_dict[element]['acronym'], atomic_desc_dict[element]['atomic_descriptors'] = self.engines[
return atomic_desc_dict
[docs]class Atomic_Descriptor_Base:
def __init__(self, desc_spec):
self._is_atomic = True
self.acronym = ""
[docs] def is_atomic(self):
return self._is_atomic
[docs] def get_acronym(self):
# we use an acronym for each descriptor, so it's easy to find it and refer to it
return self.acronym
[docs] def create(self, frame):
# notice that we return the acronym here!!!
return self.acronym, []
[docs]class Atomic_Descriptor_SOAP(Atomic_Descriptor_Base):
def __init__(self, desc_spec):
make a DScribe SOAP object
from dscribe.descriptors import SOAP
if "type" not in desc_spec.keys() or desc_spec["type"] != "SOAP":
raise ValueError("Type is not SOAP or cannot find the type of the descriptor")
# required
self.species = desc_spec['species']
self.cutoff = desc_spec['cutoff']
self.g = desc_spec['atom_gaussian_width']
self.n = desc_spec['n']
self.l = desc_spec['l']
raise ValueError("Not enough information to intialize the `Atomic_Descriptor_SOAP` object")
# we have defaults here
if 'rbf' in desc_spec.keys():
self.rbf = desc_spec['rbf']
self.rbf = 'gto'
if 'crossover' in desc_spec.keys():
self.crossover = bool(desc_spec['crossover'])
self.crossover = False
if 'periodic' in desc_spec.keys():
self.periodic = bool(desc_spec['periodic'])
self.periodic = True
self.soap = SOAP(species=self.species, rcut=self.cutoff, nmax=self.n, lmax=self.l,
sigma=self.g, rbf=self.rbf, crossover=self.crossover, average='off',
print("Using SOAP Descriptors ...")
# make an acronym
self.acronym = "SOAP-n" + str(self.n) + "-l" + str(self.l) + "-c" + str(self.cutoff) + "-g" + str(self.g)
[docs] def create(self, frame):
# notice that we return the acronym here!!!
return self.acronym, self.soap.create(frame, n_jobs=1)
[docs]class Atomic_Descriptor_ACSF(Atomic_Descriptor_Base):
def __init__(self, desc_spec):
make a DScribe ACSF object
# template for an ACSF descriptor
# currenly Dscribe only supports ASCF for finite system!
if "type" not in desc_spec.keys() or desc_spec["type"] != "ACSF":
raise ValueError("Type is not ACSF or cannot find the type of the descriptor")
if 'periodic' in desc_spec.keys():
self.periodic = bool(desc_spec['periodic'])
if self.periodic == True:
raise ValueError("Warning: currently DScribe only supports ACSF for finite systems")
from dscribe.descriptors import ACSF
self.acsf_dict = {
'g2_params': None,
'g3_params': None,
'g4_params': None,
'g5_params': None}
# required
self.species = desc_spec['species']
self.cutoff = desc_spec['cutoff']
raise ValueError("Not enough information to intialize the `Atomic_Descriptor_ACF` object")
# fill in the values
for k, v in desc_spec.items():
if k in self.acsf_dict.keys():
if isinstance(v, list):
self.acsf_dict[k] = np.asarray(v)
self.acsf_dict[k] = v
self.acsf = ACSF(species=self.species, rcut=self.cutoff, **self.acsf_dict, sparse=False)
print("Using ACSF Descriptors ...")
# make an acronym
self.acronym = "ACSF-c" + str(self.cutoff)
if self.acsf_dict['g2_params'] is not None: self.acronym += "-g2-" + str(len(self.acsf_dict['g2_params']))
if self.acsf_dict['g3_params'] is not None: self.acronym += "-g3-" + str(len(self.acsf_dict['g3_params']))
if self.acsf_dict['g4_params'] is not None: self.acronym += "-g4-" + str(len(self.acsf_dict['g4_params']))
if self.acsf_dict['g5_params'] is not None: self.acronym += "-g5-" + str(len(self.acsf_dict['g5_params']))
[docs] def create(self, frame):
# notice that we return the acronym here!!!
return self.acronym, self.acsf.create(frame, n_jobs=1)
[docs]class Atomic_Descriptor_LMBTR(Atomic_Descriptor_Base):
def __init__(self, desc_spec):
make a DScribe LMBTR object
(see https://singroup.github.io/dscribe/tutorials/lmbtr.html)')
periodic (bool): Determines whether the system is considered to be
k2 (dict): Dictionary containing the setup for the k=2 term.
Contains setup for the used geometry function, discretization and
weighting function. For example::
k2 = {
"geometry": {"function": "inverse_distance"},
"grid": {"min": 0.1, "max": 2, "sigma": 0.1, "n": 50},
"weighting": {"function": "exp", "scale": 0.75, "cutoff": 1e-2}
k3 (dict): Dictionary containing the setup for the k=3 term.
Contains setup for the used geometry function, discretization and
weighting function. For example::
k3 = {
"geometry": {"function": "angle"},
"grid": {"min": 0, "max": 180, "sigma": 5, "n": 50},
"weighting" = {"function": "exp", "scale": 0.5, "cutoff": 1e-3}
normalize_gaussians (bool): Determines whether the gaussians are
normalized to an area of 1. Defaults to True. If False, the
normalization factor is dropped and the gaussians have the form.
normalization (str): Determines the method for normalizing the
output. The available options are:
* "none": No normalization.
* "l2_each": Normalize the Euclidean length of each k-term
individually to unity.
flatten (bool): Whether the output should be flattened to a 1D
array. If False, a dictionary of the different tensors is
provided, containing the values under keys: "k1", "k2", and
sparse (bool): Whether the output should be a sparse matrix or a
dense numpy array.
# required
self.species = desc_spec['species']
raise ValueError("Not enough information to intialize the `Atomic_Descriptor_LMBTR` object")
# we have defaults here
if 'normalization' in desc_spec.keys():
self.normalization = desc_spec['normalization']
self.normalization = None # or "l2_each"
if 'normalize_gaussians' in desc_spec.keys():
self.normalize_gaussians = desc_spec['normalize_gaussians']
self.normalize_gaussians = "True" # or False
if 'periodic' in desc_spec.keys():
self.periodic = bool(desc_spec['periodic'])
self.periodic = True
[docs] def create(self, frame):
# notice that we return the acronym here!!!
return self.acronym, self.lmbtr.create(frame, n_jobs=1)
[docs]class Atomic_Descriptor_LMBTR_K2(Atomic_Descriptor_LMBTR):
def __init__(self, desc_spec):
from dscribe.descriptors import LMBTR
if "type" not in desc_spec.keys() or desc_spec["type"] != "LMBTR_K2":
raise ValueError("Type is not LMBTR_K2 or cannot find the type of the descriptor")
# required
self.k2 = desc_spec['k2']
raise ValueError("Not enough information to intialize the `Atomic_Descriptor_LMBTR` object")
self.lmbtr = LMBTR(species=self.species, periodic=self.periodic, flatten=True,
print("Using LMBTR-K2 Descriptors ...")
# make an acronym
self.acronym = "LMBTR-K2" # perhaps add more info here
[docs]class Atomic_Descriptor_LMBTR_K3(Atomic_Descriptor_LMBTR):
def __init__(self, desc_spec):
from dscribe.descriptors import LMBTR
if "type" not in desc_spec.keys() or desc_spec["type"] != "LMBTR_K3":
raise ValueError("Type is not LMBTR_K3 or cannot find the type of the descriptor")
# required
self.k2 = desc_spec['k3']
raise ValueError("Not enough information to intialize the `Atomic_Descriptor_LMBTR` object")
self.lmbtr = LMBTR(species=self.species, periodic=self.periodic, flatten=True,
print("Using LMBTR-K3 Descriptors ...")
# make an acronym
self.acronym = "LMBTR-K3" # perhaps add more info here
[docs]class Atomic_Descriptor_FCHL19(Atomic_Descriptor_Base):
Generate the FCHL19 representation (https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5126701).
Requires the developer version of the QML package, see
https://www.qmlcode.org/installation.html for installation instructions.
:param nRs2: Number of gaussian basis functions in the two-body terms
:type nRs2: integer
:param nRs3: Number of gaussian basis functions in the three-body radial part
:type nRs3: integer
:param nFourier: Order of Fourier expansion
:type nFourier: integer
:param eta2: Precision in the gaussian basis functions in the two-body terms
:type eta2: float
:param eta3: Precision in the gaussian basis functions in the three-body radial part
:type eta3: float
:param zeta: Precision parameter of basis functions in the three-body angular part
:type zeta: float
:param two_body_decay: exponential decay for the two body function
:type two_body_decay: float
:param three_body_decay: exponential decay for the three body function
:type three_body_decay: float
:param three_body_weight: relative weight of the three body function
:type three_body_weight: float
:is_periodic: Boolean determining Whether the system is periodic.
:type Boolean:
def __init__(self, desc_spec):
if "type" not in desc_spec.keys() or desc_spec["type"] != "FCHL19":
raise ValueError("Type is not FCHL19 or cannot find the type of the descriptor")
if 'periodic' in desc_spec.keys():
self.periodic = bool(desc_spec['periodic'])
if self.periodic == True:
raise ValueError("Warning: currently DScribe only supports FCHL19 for finite systems")
print("Warning: This FCHL19 atomic descriptor is untested, because I (Bingqing) cannot install QML!")
raise NotImplementedError
self.fchl_acsf_dict = {'nRs2': None,
'nRs3': None,
'nFourier': None,
'eta2': None,
'eta3': None,
'zeta': None,
'rcut': None,
'acut': None,
'two_body_decay': None,
'three_body_decay': None,
'three_body_weight': None,
'pad': False, 'gradients': False}
# required
self.species = desc_spec['species']
raise ValueError("Not enough information to intialize the `Atomic_Descriptor_ACF` object")
# fill in the values
for k, v in desc_spec.items():
if k in self.fchl_acsf_dict.keys():
self.fchl_acsf_dict[k] = v
print("Using FCHL19 Descriptors ...")
# make an acronym
self.acronym = "FCHL19-c" # add more stuff here
def _repr_wrapper(frame, elements,
nRs2=24, nRs3=20,
nFourier=1, eta2=0.32, eta3=2.7,
zeta=np.pi, rcut=8.0, acut=8.0,
two_body_decay=1.8, three_body_decay=0.57,
three_body_weight=13.4, stride=1):
nuclear_charges, coordinates = frame.get_atomic_numbers(), frame.get_positions()
rep = generate_fchl_acsf(nuclear_charges, coordinates, elements,
nRs2=nRs2, nRs3=nRs3, nFourier=nFourier,
eta2=eta2, eta3=eta3, zeta=zeta,
rcut=rcut, acut=acut,
two_body_decay=two_body_decay, three_body_decay=three_body_decay,
pad=False, gradients=False)
rep_out = np.zeros((rep.shape[0], len(elements), rep.shape[1]))
for i, z in enumerate(nuclear_charges):
j = np.where(np.equal(z, elements))[0][0]
rep_out[i, j] = rep[i]
rep_out = rep_out.reshape(len(rep_out), -1)
return rep_out
[docs] def create(self, frame):
# notice that we return the acronym here!!!
return self.acronym, self_repr_wrapper(frame, self.species, **self.fchl_acsf_dict)