Source code for asaplib.descriptors.global_descriptors

Methods and functions to compute global desciptors
import numpy as np
import json
from import NpEncoder, randomString
from .atomic_to_global import Atomic_2_Global_Descriptors
from .atomic_descriptors import Atomic_Descriptors

[docs]class Global_Descriptors: def __init__(self, desc_spec_dict={}): """ Object handing the specification and the computation of global descriptors global descriptors mean descriptors of a whole structure atomic descriptors mean descriptors of an atom centered environment inside a structure Parameters ---------- desc_spec_dict: dictionaries that specify which global descriptor to use. We have two options here 1. Some descriptors are already global in nature, e.g. the Coulomb Matrix, Morgan fingerprints, etc. So we can specify them as, e.g. {'global_desc2': {"type": 'CM', "max_atoms" 30 }} 2. First compute an atomic descriptors (e.g. SOAP, ACSF,...) and convert to global ones e.g. {'global_desc2': {'atomic_descriptor': atomic_desc_dict, 'reducer_function': reducer_dict}} and atomic_desc_dict = { "firstsoap": {"type": 'SOAP',"species": [1, 6, 7, 8], "cutoff": 2.0, "atom_gaussian_width": 0.2, "n": 4, "l": 4} } and reducer_dict = {'first_reducer': {'reducer_type': reducer_type, 'zeta': zeta, 'species': species, 'element_wise': element_wise}} """ self.desc_spec_dict = desc_spec_dict # list of Atomic_Descriptor objections self.engines = {} self.acronym = "" self.bind()
[docs] def add(self, desc_spec, tag): """ adding the specifications of a new atomic descriptors Parameters ---------- desc_spec: a dictionary that specify which atomic descriptor to use """ self.desc_spec_dict[tag] = desc_spec
[docs] def pack(self): return json.dumps(self.desc_spec_dict, sort_keys=True, cls=NpEncoder)
[docs] def bind(self): """ binds the objects that actually compute the descriptors these objects need to have .create(frame) method to compute the descriptors of frame (a xyz object) """ # clear up the objects self.engines = {} for element in self.desc_spec_dict.keys(): self.engines[element] = self._call(self.desc_spec_dict[element]) self.desc_spec_dict[element]['acronym'] = self.engines[element].get_acronym()
def _call(self, desc_spec): """ call the specific descriptor objects """ if "atomic_descriptor" in desc_spec.keys() and "reducer_function" in desc_spec.keys(): return Global_Descriptor_from_Atomic(desc_spec) elif "type" not in desc_spec.keys(): raise ValueError("Did not specify the type of the descriptor.") if desc_spec["type"] == "CM": return Global_Descriptor_CM(desc_spec) elif desc_spec["type"] == "MORGAN": return Global_Descriptor_Morgan(desc_spec) else: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def compute(self, frame): """ compute the global descriptor vector and atomic descriptor matrix (if any) for a frame Parameters ---------- frame: ASE atom object. Coordinates of a frame. Returns ------- desc_dict: a dictionary. each entry contains the essential info of the descriptor, i.e. acronym and a np.array [N_desc]. Global descriptors for a frame. e.g. {'d1':{ 'acronym': 'XXX', 'descriptors': `a np.array [N_desc]`}} atomic_desc_dict : a dictionary. each entry contains the essential info of the descriptor (acronym) and a np.array [N_desc*N_atoms]. Atomic descriptors for a frame. e.g. {'ad1':{'acronym':'soap-1', 'atomic_descriptors': `a np.array [N_desc*N_atoms]`}} """ global_desc_dict = {} atomic_desc_dict = {} for element in self.desc_spec_dict.keys(): global_desc_dict[element], atomic_desc_dict[element] = self.engines[element].create(frame) # global_desc_dict_new, atomic_desc_dict_new = self.engines[element].create(frame) # global_desc_dict.update(global_desc_dict_new) # atomic_desc_dict.update(atomic_desc_dict_new) return global_desc_dict, atomic_desc_dict
[docs]class Global_Descriptor_Base: def __init__(self, desc_spec): self._is_atomic = False self.acronym = "" pass
[docs] def is_atomic(self): return self._is_atomic
[docs] def get_acronym(self): # we use an acronym for each descriptor, so it's easy to find it and refer to it return self.acronym
[docs] def create(self, frame): # return the dictionaries for global descriptors and atomic descriptors (if any) return {'acronym': self.acronym, 'descriptors': []}, {}
[docs]class Global_Descriptor_from_Atomic(Global_Descriptor_Base): def __init__(self, desc_spec): """ First compute an atomic descriptors (e.g. SOAP, ACSF,...) and convert to global ones Parameters ---------- desc_spec: dictionaries that specify which global descriptor to use. e.g. {'global_desc2': {'atomic_descriptor': atomic_desc_dict, 'reducer_function': reducer_dict}} and atomic_desc_dict = { "firstsoap": {"type": 'SOAP',"species": [1, 6, 7, 8], "cutoff": 2.0, "atom_gaussian_width": 0.2, "n": 4, "l": 4} } and reducer_dict = {'first_reducer': {'reducer_type': reducer_type, 'zeta': zeta, 'species': species, 'element_wise': element_wise}} """ self._is_atomic = True if "atomic_descriptor" not in desc_spec.keys() or "reducer_function" not in desc_spec.keys(): raise ValueError("Need to specify both atomic descriptors and reducer functions to used") self.atomic_desc_spec = desc_spec['atomic_descriptor'] self.reducer_spec = desc_spec['reducer_function'] # pass down some key information if 'species' in desc_spec.keys(): # add some system specific information to the list to descriptor specifications for element in self.atomic_desc_spec.keys(): self.atomic_desc_spec[element]['species'] = desc_spec['species'] for element in self.reducer_spec.keys(): self.reducer_spec[element]['species'] = desc_spec['species'] if 'periodic' in desc_spec.keys(): for element in self.atomic_desc_spec.keys(): self.atomic_desc_spec[element]['periodic'] = desc_spec['periodic'] # initialize a Atomic_Descriptors object self.atomic_desc = Atomic_Descriptors(self.atomic_desc_spec) # initialize a Atomic_2_Global_Descriptors object self.atomic_2_global = Atomic_2_Global_Descriptors(self.reducer_spec) # print("Using Atomic_2_Global_Descriptors ...") self.acronym = "atomic-to-global-" + randomString(6)
[docs] def pack(self): return {'atomic_descriptor': self.atomic_desc.pack(), 'reducer_function': atomic_2_global.pack()}
[docs] def create(self, frame): """ compute the global descriptor vector for a frame from atomic contributions Parameters ---------- frame: ASE atom object. Coordinates of a frame. Returns ------- desc_dict: a dictionary. each entry contains the essential info of the descriptor, i.e. acronym and a np.array [N_desc]. Global descriptors for a frame. e.g. {'d1':{ 'acronym': 'XXX', 'descriptors': `a np.array [N_desc]`}} atomic_desc_dict : a dictionary. each entry contains the essential info of the descriptor (acronym) and a np.array [N_desc*N_atoms]. Atomic descriptors for a frame. e.g. {'ad1':{'acronym':'soap-1', 'atomic_descriptors': `a np.array [N_desc*N_atoms]`}} """ # compute atomic descriptor atomic_desc_dict = self.atomic_desc.compute(frame) # compute global descriptor for the frame return self.atomic_2_global.compute(atomic_desc_dict, frame.get_atomic_numbers()), atomic_desc_dict
[docs]class Global_Descriptor_CM(Global_Descriptor_Base): def __init__(self, desc_spec): """ make a DScribe CM object """ from dscribe.descriptors import CoulombMatrix if "type" not in desc_spec.keys() or desc_spec["type"] != "CM": raise ValueError("Type is not CM or cannot find the type of the descriptor") # required try: self.max_atoms = desc_spec['max_atoms'] except: raise ValueError("Not enough information to intialize the `Atomic_Descriptor_CM` object") if 'periodic' in desc_spec.keys() and desc_spec['periodic'] == True: raise ValueError("Coulomb Matrix cannot be used for periodic systems") = CoulombMatrix(self.max_atoms) print("Using CoulombMatrix ...") # make an acronym self.acronym = "CM" + "-" + str(self.max_atoms)
[docs] def create(self, frame): """ compute the CM descriptor vector for a frame Parameters ---------- frame: ASE atom object. Coordinates of a frame. Returns ------- desc_dict: a dictionary. each entry contains the essential info of the descriptor, i.e. acronym and a np.array [N_desc]. Global descriptors for a frame. e.g. {'d1':{ 'acronym': 'CM-*', 'descriptors': `a np.array [N_desc]`}} atomic_desc_dict : {} """ if len(frame.get_positions()) > self.max_atoms: raise ValueError('the size of the system is larger than the max_atoms of the CM descriptor') # notice that we return an empty dictionary for "atomic descriptors" return {'acronym': self.acronym, 'descriptors':, n_jobs=1)}, {}
[docs]class Global_Descriptor_Morgan(Global_Descriptor_Base): def __init__(self, desc_spec): if "type" not in desc_spec.keys() or desc_spec["type"] != "MORGAN": raise ValueError("Type is not MORGAN or cannot find the type of the descriptor") # defaults if "length" in desc_spec.keys(): self.length = desc_spec["length"] else: self.length = 1024 if "radius" in desc_spec.keys(): self.radius = desc_spec["radius"] else: self.radius = 3 if 'periodic' in desc_spec.keys() and desc_spec['periodic'] == True: raise ValueError("Morgan Fingerprints cannot be used for periodic systems") print("Using Morgan Fingerprints ...") # make an acronym self.acronym = "MORGAN" def _get_smiles(self, frame): if "smiles" in # print(['smiles']) return['smiles'] elif "SMILES" in return['SMILES'] else: raise ValueError('Cannot parse the smile string from the')
[docs] def create(self, frame): """ Returns ------- """ from rdkit.Chem import MolFromSmiles from rdkit.Chem.AllChem import GetMorganFingerprintAsBitVect smiles = self._get_smiles(frame) mol = MolFromSmiles(smiles) fps = GetMorganFingerprintAsBitVect(mol, radius=self.radius, nBits=self.length) fps = np.array(fps, dtype='float64') return {'acronym': self.acronym, 'descriptors': fps}