Methods and functions to convert descriptors to kernels for samples
Kernels are measures of similarity,
i.e. s(a, b) > s(a, c) if objects a and b are considered “more similar” than objects a and c.
A kernel must also be positive semi-definite.
Essentially, for each pair of samples a and b we compute
based on the coordinates of descriptors d(a) and d(b)
import numpy as np
import json
from .ml_kernel_operations import normalizekernel
[docs]class Descriptors_to_Kernels:
def __init__(self, k_spec_dict={}):
Object handing the specification and the computation of atomic descriptors
k_spec_dict: dictionaries that specify which way to convert descriptors into kernel matrix
k_spec_dict = {
"first_kernel": {"type": 'linear', "normalize" = True},
"second_kernel": {"type": 'cosine'},
"third_kernel": {"type": 'polynormial', "d":3, "normalize" = True}
Notice that we can specify multiple kernels here.
What we do is that:
1. compute k(a,b) for all these kernel functions
2. sum up all k(a,b).
self.k_spec_dict = k_spec_dict
# list of kernel (similarity measurement) objects
self.engines = {}
self.acronym = ""
[docs] def add(self, k_spec, tag):
adding the specifications of a new kernel function
k_spec: a dictionary that specify which atomic descriptor to use
self.k_spec_dict[tag] = k_spec
[docs] def pack(self):
return json.dumps(self.k_spec_dict, sort_keys=True, cls=NpEncoder)
[docs] def get_acronym(self):
if self.acronym == "":
for element in self.k_spec_dict.keys():
self.acronym += self.engines[element].get_acronym()
return self.acronym
[docs] def bind(self):
binds the objects that actually compute the kernels
these objects need to have .transform() method to compute
kernels from decriptor matrix [n_descriptors, n_samples]
# clear up the objects
self.engines = {}
for element in self.k_spec_dict.keys():
self.engines[element] = self._call(self.k_spec_dict[element])
self.k_spec_dict[element]['acronym'] = self.engines[element].get_acronym()
def _call(self, k_spec):
call the specific kernel objects
if "type" not in k_spec.keys():
raise ValueError("Did not specify the type of the kernel function.")
if k_spec["type"] == "linear":
return Kernel_Function_Linear(k_spec)
if k_spec["type"] == "polynomial":
return Kernel_Function_Polynomial(k_spec)
if k_spec["type"] == "cosine":
return Kernel_Function_Cosine(k_spec)
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def compute(self, desc_a, desc_b=None):
compute the global descriptor vector for a frame from atomic contributions
desc : array-like, shape=[n_descriptors, n_samples]
design matrix
k_mat : array-like, shape=[n_samples, n_samples]
design matrix
if desc_b is None:
desc_b = desc_a
n_a = len(desc_a)
n_b = len(desc_b)
k_mat = np.zeros((n_a,n_b), dtype=float)
for element in self.k_spec_dict.keys():
#print(np.shape(k_mat), np.shape(self.engines[element].transform(desc_a, desc_b)))
k_mat += self.engines[element].transform(desc_a, desc_b)
# this is not normalized!
return k_mat
[docs]class Kernel_Function_Base:
def __init__(self, k_spec):
self.acronym = ""
[docs] def get_acronym(self):
# we use an acronym for each descriptor, so it's easy to find it and refer to it
return self.acronym
[docs]class Kernel_Function_Linear(Kernel_Function_Base):
def __init__(self, k_spec):
self.acronym = "linear"
self.normalize = k_spec['normalize']
self.normalize = False
[docs]class Kernel_Function_Polynomial(Kernel_Function_Base):
def __init__(self, k_spec):
self.acronym = "poly"
self.d = k_spec['d']
self.normalize = k_spec['normalize']
self.normalize = False
[docs]class Kernel_Function_Cosine(Kernel_Function_Base):
def __init__(self, k_spec):
self.acronym = 'cos'