Wrappers to do plots
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from .plot_styles import *
[docs]class Plotters:
Object handing the making of plots.
Notice that we make all the plots on the same graph.
A good way of using this is to
1. make a scatter plot
2. add clustering results (if any)
3. add tags to annotate important points
def __init__(self, fig_spec_dict={}):
Object handing the making of plots
fig_spec_dict: dictionaries that specify plot options
fig_spec_dict = {
'outfile': None,
'show': True,
'title': None,
'xlabel': 'Principal Axis 1',
'ylabel': 'Principal Axis 2',
'xaxis': True, 'yaxis': True,
'remove_tick': False,
'rasterized': True,
'fontsize': 16,
"first_p": {"type": 'scatter', ...},
"second_p": {"type": 'annotate', ...},
"third_p": {"type": 'cluster', ...}
Notice that we make all the plots on the same graph.
A good way of using this is to
1. make a scatter plot
2. add clustering results (if any)
3. add tags to annotate important points
# required
self.p_spec_dict = fig_spec_dict['components']
raise ValueError("Didn't specify any options to do plots. Use `components` key to do so.")
self.fig_spec = {
'size': [16, 8],
'outfile': None,
'show': True,
'title': None,
'xlabel': 'Principal Axis 1',
'ylabel': 'Principal Axis 2',
'xaxis': True, 'yaxis': True,
'remove_tick': False,
'rasterized': True,
'fontsize': 16,
'cmap': 'gnuplot'
# fill in the values
for k, v in fig_spec_dict.items():
if k in self.fig_spec.keys():
self.fig_spec[k] = v
# pass down some key information, so all the components for the plot are consistent
for element in self.p_spec_dict.keys():
self.p_spec_dict[element]['cmap'] = self.fig_spec['cmap']
self.p_spec_dict[element]['rasterized'] = self.fig_spec['rasterized']
# list of plotting objects
self.engines = {}
self.acronym = ""
# intialize plot
self.fig, self.ax = plt.subplots()
# size
self.fig.set_size_inches(self.fig_spec['size'][0], self.fig_spec['size'][1])
# titles
if self.fig_spec['xlabel'] is not None:
self.ax.set_xlabel(self.fig_spec['xlabel'], fontsize=self.fig_spec['fontsize'], labelpad=-3)
if self.fig_spec['ylabel'] is not None:
self.ax.set_ylabel(self.fig_spec['ylabel'], fontsize=self.fig_spec['fontsize'], labelpad=-3)
if self.fig_spec['title'] is not None:
self.ax.set_title(self.fig_spec['title'], fontsize=self.fig_spec['fontsize'])
[docs] def add(self, p_spec, tag):
adding the specifications of a new kernel function
p_spec: dictionary
specify which atomic descriptor to use
self.p_spec_dict[tag] = p_spec
[docs] def pack(self):
return json.dumps(self.p_spec_dict, sort_keys=True, cls=NpEncoder)
[docs] def get_acronym(self):
if self.acronym == "":
for element in self.p_spec_dict.keys():
self.acronym += self.engines[element].get_acronym()
return self.acronym
[docs] def bind(self):
binds the objects that actually make the plots
these objects need to have .create() method to compute
# clear up the objects
self.engines = {}
for element in self.p_spec_dict.keys():
self.engines[element] = self._call(self.p_spec_dict[element])
self.p_spec_dict[element]['acronym'] = self.engines[element].get_acronym()
def _call(self, p_spec):
call the specific kernel objects
if "type" not in p_spec.keys():
raise ValueError("Did not specify the type of the kernel function.")
if p_spec["type"] == "scatter":
return Plot_Function_Scatter(p_spec)
if p_spec["type"] == "annotate":
return Plot_Function_Annotate(p_spec)
if p_spec["type"] == "cluster":
return Plot_Function_Cluster(p_spec)
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def plot(self, X, colors=[], labels=[], tags=[]):
"""Plots a 2D density map given 2D coordinates X
and properties
and tags
for every data point.
X : array-like, shape=[n_samples,2]
Input points.
colors : array-like, float or integer, shape=[n_samples]
properties used to color each point
labels : array-like, float or integer, shape=[n_samples]
additional properties for each point
tags : array-like, str, shape=[n_samples]
tags used to annotate selected points
for element in self.p_spec_dict.keys():
self.fig, self.ax = self.engines[element].create(self.fig, self.ax, X, colors, labels, tags)
# touch ups
if self.fig_spec['remove_tick']:
self.ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='both', bottom=False, top=False,
labelbottom=False, right=False, left=False, labelleft=False)
if self.fig_spec['xaxis'] is not True:
if self.fig_spec['yaxis'] is not True:
# save and show
if self.fig_spec['outfile'] is not None:
if self.fig_spec['show']:
[docs]class Plot_Function_Base:
def __init__(self, p_spec):
self.acronym = ""
[docs] def get_acronym(self):
# we use an acronym for each plot, so it's easy to find it and refer to it
return self.acronym
[docs] def create(self, fig, ax, X, colors, labels, tags):
[docs]class Plot_Function_Annotate(Plot_Function_Base):
def __init__(self, p_spec):
self.acronym = "annotate"
self.p_spec = {
'adtext': True,
'marker': '^',
'markersize': 10,
'markercolor': 'black',
'textsize': 12,
'textcolor': 'red' # we can add more options for the adtext part
# fill in the values
for k, v in p_spec.items():
if k in self.p_spec.keys():
self.p_spec[k] = v
print("Using annotation plot ...")
[docs] def create(self, fig, ax, X, z=[], labels=[], tags=[]):
annotate samples using tags.
X : array-like, shape=[n_samples,2]
Input points.
tags : array-like, str, shape=[n_samples]
tags for each point.
labels and z are not used for this plot style
texts = []
for i in range(len(tags)):
if tags[i] != 'None' and tags[i] != 'none' and tags[i] != '':
ax.scatter(X[i, 0], X[i, 1],
texts.append(ax.text(X[i, 0], X[i, 1], tags[i],
ha='center', va='center',
if self.p_spec['adtext']:
""" adjust the position of the annotated text, so they don't overlap """
from adjustText import adjust_text
adjust_text(texts, on_basemap=True, # only_move={'points':'', 'text':'x'},
expand_text=(1.01, 1.05), expand_points=(1.01, 1.05),
force_text=(0.03, 0.5), force_points=(0.01, 0.25),
ax=ax, precision=0.01,
arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="-", color='black', lw=1, alpha=0.8))
return fig, ax
[docs]class Plot_Function_Scatter(Plot_Function_Base):
def __init__(self, p_spec):
self.acronym = "scatter"
self.p_spec = {
'psize': None,
'rasterized': True,
'fontsize': 12,
'cmap': 'gnuplot',
'alpha': 1.0, # color transparency
'clabel': None, # label of the colorbar
'cbar_format': None, #'%1.1f',
'use_perc': False, # mark the top/bottom ourliers
'outlier_top_fraction': 0.05, # the fraction of the top ourliers
'outlier_top_color': 'yellow', # color used to make the top ourliers
'outlier_bottom_fraction': 0.05, # the fraction of the bottom ourliers
'outlier_bottom_color': 'black', # color used to make the bottom ourliers
'vmax': None,
'vmin': None
# fill in the values
for k, v in p_spec.items():
if k in self.p_spec.keys():
self.p_spec[k] = v
print("Using scatter plot ...")
self.cb = None
[docs] def create(self, fig, ax, X, z, labels=[], tags=[]):
Plots a 2D scatter map given x,y coordinates and a color for
every data point
X : array-like, shape=[n_samples,2]
Input points.
z : array-like, shape=[n_samples]
color for each point.
labels and tags are not used for this plot style
x, y = X[:, 0], X[:, 1]
z = np.asarray(z)
# automatically adjust the marker size according the number of samples
if self.p_spec['psize'] == None:
psize = 200*200/len(X)
psize = self.p_spec['psize']
if self.p_spec['use_perc']:
n_sample = len(x)
argz = np.argsort(z)
n_bot_outliers = int(n_sample*self.p_spec['outlier_bottom_fraction'])
n_top_outliers = int(n_sample*self.p_spec['outlier_top_fraction'])
bot_outliers = argz[:n_bot_outliers]
top_outliers = argz[-n_top_outliers:]
typical = argz[n_bot_outliers:-top_outliers]
# plot typical
axscatter = ax.scatter(x[typical], y[typical], c=z[typical],
# plot bot outliers
ax.scatter(x[bot_outliers], y[bot_outliers], c=self.p_spec['outlier_bottom_color'],
# plot top outliers
ax.scatter(x[top_outliers], y[top_outliers], c=self.p_spec['outlier_top_color'],
# check if the labels are discrete
discrete_label = True
for iz in z:
if not np.equal(np.mod(iz, 1), 0): discrete_label = False
if discrete_label:
print("Use discrete colormap ......")
cmap = plt.cm.get_cmap(self.p_spec['cmap'], int(np.max(z)-np.min(z)) + 1)
vmin = np.min(z) - 0.5
vmax = np.max(z) + 0.5
cmap = self.p_spec['cmap']
vmin = self.p_spec['vmin']
vmax = self.p_spec['vmax']
axscatter = ax.scatter(x, y, c=z,
if self.p_spec['cbar_format'] is None:
color_spread = np.nanmax(z) - np.nanmin(z)
if color_spread > 2:
self.p_spec['cbar_format'] = '%d'
elif color_spread > 0.1:
self.p_spec['cbar_format'] = '%1.1f'
self.p_spec['cbar_format'] = '%1.1e'
if self.p_spec['clabel'] is not None and self.cb is None:
self.cb = fig.colorbar(axscatter, format=self.p_spec['cbar_format'])
if self.p_spec['clabel'] is not None:
self.cb.set_label(label=self.p_spec['clabel'], labelpad=1)
return fig, ax
[docs]class Plot_Function_Cluster(Plot_Function_Base):
Plots a 2D clustering plot given x,y coordinates and a label z for
every data point.
Basically we draw a circle centered arround the mean position of the samples
belonging to each cluster,
with a size propotional to log(cluster_size)
def __init__(self, p_spec):
self.acronym = "cluster"
self.p_spec = {
'w_label': False,
'circle_size': 20,
'facecolor': 'none',
'edgecolor': 'gray',
'fontsize': 16,
'cmap': 'gnuplot',
'alpha': 1.0 # color transparency
# fill in the values
for k, v in p_spec.items():
if k in self.p_spec.keys():
self.p_spec[k] = v
print("Using cluster plot ...")
[docs] def create(self, fig, ax, X, z=[], y=[], tags=[]):
X : array-like, shape=[n_samples,2]
Input points.
y : array-like, shape=[n_samples]
label for every point
z and tags are not used for this plot style
# get the cluster size and mean position
from ..cluster import get_cluster_size, get_cluster_properties
y_unique = np.unique(y)
[_, cluster_mx] = get_cluster_properties(y, X[:, 0], 'mean')
[_, cluster_my] = get_cluster_properties(y, X[:, 1], 'mean')
[_, cluster_size] = get_cluster_size(y)
s = {}
for k in y_unique:
s[k] = np.log(cluster_size[k]) # default is using log(frequency)
for k in y_unique:
ax.plot(cluster_mx[k], cluster_my[k], 'o',
markersize=self.p_spec['circle_size'] * s[k])
if self.p_spec['w_label'] is True:
for k in y_unique:
# Position of each label.
txt = ax.annotate(str(k), xy=(cluster_mx[k], cluster_my[k]),
xytext=(0, 0), textcoords='offset points',
horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center')
PathEffects.Stroke(linewidth=5, foreground='none'),
return fig, ax